Spain update dec - jan 2025
Saturday the14th of December 2024
After a few relatively quiet weeks, if we could call it quiet at least, while the shelter was constantly receiving emaciated galgos. Amongst them was a young black male whose head they tried to split in two with an axe and who wandered around in the campo!! Nothing but dull misery. In Spain they were left to their fate and in Belgium too. Minerva who was in the spotlight because the adopter who had previously left her at Hof Rosa Canina until after her move, suddenly became worried about the accommodation costs after 29 days and cancelled the adoption without even having paid a deposit… Poor Gyda was given up because she was too quiet and too timid and lay on the couch too much. So, she was also allowed to make a “demi tour” and return to Hof Rosa Canina with Christel who is fortunately always there for “cast-offs”. Anyway, on top of that we had the little podenco to take care of who was dropped off at Casa Belgica exactly one month and 4 days ago, was operated on by Dr. De Frutos on November 12th and was picked up on November 18th with an extended frame before we returned to Casa Belgica after the “Halloween” Belgium trip. After more than a month in Spain we had to go back to Belgium for the “Respect de Galgo” Christmas market and all our dogs went to the boarding house on Thursday December 5th. Also, the little, super smart podenco lady who carried her annoying extended frame with dignity, never complained, was always tidy, was already part of our dog family and thought it would always stay that way.
In the morning our dogs were taken to their “holiday home” and in the evening we left on the last flight to Belgium, fortunately we did not know what was ahead of us… We left on time to avoid the evening rush hour and arrived at the airport a few hours early. The wait would test our patience even more because our evening flight was delayed for some reason. Dirk and I and the assistant who pushed my wheelchair had to wait more than 45 minutes before we were allowed to board first by a clearly agitated purser who felt it necessary to hang up her curtain first while we waited shivering from the cold on the draughty icy gangway. When we were finally allowed to board, the lady turned her back to us and asked the wheelchair assistant over her shoulder which seats we were sitting on. I answered in her place but apparently that was not enough, and Dirk had to show our boarding pass. Anyway, a young flight attendant who was watching everything took over and guided us to our seats ‘’and said that I had to stay on board until the last one to which I replied that I knew the drill’.
Dirk took his book and while the plane filled up with passengers I sat down to daydream and think about what was on the busy program in Belgium. After a turbulent flight during which I, to avoid the agitated purser, did not go to the toilet, we arrived in the pouring rain at the airport in Zaventem and remained seated obediently while the passengers rushed off the plane. When there was a large gap, I politely asked the purser if we could move forward a few places and I was told to stay in our seats. In the meantime, the wheelchair assistant had already tried to get on board 3 times but was stopped each time with an unfriendly “WAIT”. The way the purser said it reminded me of dog training. Eventually she let a lady, who was sitting at the back of the plane and who had asked for assistance but was perfectly able to move forward with her hand luggage, go first and we were only allowed to move to the first row after the last passengers. Of course, the assistant with the wheelchair was gone, so Dirk put our luggage in the hallway and went looking for another one.
In the meantime, the cleaning crew came on board, the purser pointed out to me that I was the reason for the delay and told me again to wait. When I replied “madam I have been waiting a long time” all hell broke loose. The purser whose name was Maria (I saw on her badge) shouted and screamed that I had not been nice to her from the beginning and while she had been so nice to me!! She was going to call the police and file a complaint with Iberia against myself and Dirk because he had molested her etc., etc. She continued insulting and intimidating with threats and in the meantime leaned so unpleasantly close to me that I could smell her breath and feel her saliva on my face. Finally, she shouted furiously that someone in my condition did not belong on a plane. There was no end to her tirade where I could not say a word to refute. Not that I found it annoying that I needed assistance at all. The whole team stood there and watched but did not dare to intervene, they were so afraid of the woman.
Meanwhile, Dirk had returned and heard the commotion, went inside and told the woman that he hoped she would also undergo 8 spinal surgeries and got me off the plane. When I saw the pilot and co-pilot on the bridge, I said that something like that was impossible but neither of them had the courage to react and acted as if nothing happened. It is unreal that something like that could really happen to you when you consider that a flight attendant, in this case the purser, should be an example of friendliness, patience, helpfulness and diplomacy. Maybe she was the wife of a galguero or maybe she was one herself and she knew we were from GINB I said laughing sarcastic to Dirk when we got off the plane…. I was happy for one thing which was that I was no longer flying alone and that Dirk now experienced first-hand what I had to endure all those years when I was on my own and had to count on help. After the sour flight we were not done yet because we still had to rent a car and then drive home in the pouring rain and strong gusts of wind between the trucks where we only arrived at 1 o’clock. I was finally able to take off my tight heavy orthopedic corset, but I was exhausted from the tension and could not sleep in bed. The fact that the purser had accused me of not belonging on a plane with my condition had hurt me more than I wanted to admit. When I got up to go to the bathroom and take something for my headache, my legs gave out and I fell to the floor with a dull thud.
Dirk woke up immediately and came to “pick me up” in shock, I was so upset that I cried from helplessness. The next day I had to stay in bed, but I was worrying the whole time, I was in pain everywhere, but I must rest for the days to come, Dirk said decisively. Nevertheless, for my peace of mind I wrote a letter of complaint to Iberia in between. In the meantime, my husband was drowning in membership cards, envelopes and stamps that had to be prepared and sent but did not want my help. In the evening the back pain was unbearable, and I could hardly walk. A nice Sinterklaas present because it was December 6th. That promised…
The next day we left for Glabbeek to help set up the hall. A few km before our arrival Claire’s Raymond called us, on his way with our second van and as always had the GINB shop on board, with the news that he had followed a diversion and was stuck in front of a viaduct that he could not get under!! Dirk cursed and took another route… Of course, with all the consequences after a complicated route we arrived last, and Kid Raymond (he does karate) was unloading the van and Claire and Martine were already busy displaying our “collection”. In short, everyone was busy with all sorts of things, especially decorating the hall, hanging lights, decorating Christmas trees, providing the bar with drinks etc. All monks’ tasks that required a lot of patience… My husband had called Dirk Buffalo and asked him to put out a seat because nothing was expected of me, I had to save my strength for tomorrow by popular demand. Easier said than done, because even though I had to admit I had no choice, I hated watching and doing nothing while the rest of the team worked hard. Around 13:00h, everyone paused their activities for a nice lunch together and then resumed their work.
It was after 17:00h when the hall was finished and beautifully decorated and ready to receive as many Christmas fans as possible the next day. We said goodbye to everyone and left for our 'Business Hotel' in Beringen where we have been staying for years during events in the area. Even though I had not helped, I was tired and above all bored with the fact that I had done nothing. We went to bed quite early, but the bed did not meet the demands of my painful back and sleep did not come. Only my legs that felt like they were made of lead slept. When I got up around 6:30h they refused to cooperate, and I fell to the floor with a loud thud. My frightened husband cursed a large part of the Saints and me on top of it. I did not listen because I was in a panic and could only think of the Christmas market. So, I took a Dafalgan, sat down in front of the mirror an hour later, put on my war colors, left my special “Christmas outfit” with the golden skirt and everything in my suitcase, put on my familiar black “uniform” and as a bonus put on my cursed corset. I didn't like the idea of being among people like this, but I thought it was better than nothing, after all, we had come all the way from Spain for the event and I did not want to miss it.
Most adopters and participants had known me for almost thirty years and would not hold that corset against me. When we arrived at the hall, as always, there were early birds walking their dogs in the parking lot. Inside, the staff had already been informed and had put my seat in the kitchen with chefs Jean, Inge and Sonja de Keersmaeker, who was the kitchen assistant on duty. I found it very difficult to have to seek refuge in the kitchen, but in return I received people in “audience” there for half a day who came to visit me and the other half of the day I walked around at the arms of the staff in the packed hall because candidate adopters came to meet me and I did not want to miss the drone of “Drone master” Steven Brouwers that would fly around (for which many thanks), so I had a well-filled, pleasant and productive day.
When at 18:00 almost everyone had left and most of the hall had been cleared I was sent home, and we went to sleep in a hotel in Tienen where Dirk had made a reservation as a precaution. The next day we drove back to De Pinte in the morning where Dirk prepared the last envelopes and membership cards while I started writing my update. The next day we still had a whole series of obligations and after a busy day we slept in De Pinte for the last time. We left on Wednesday evening for Zaventem to return the rental car and then spend the night in a hotel at the airport because the next day we left on the first flight to Madrid and must get up at 4:00h. My fear that it would be the same crew with that dragon as purser from last Thursday was fortunately unfounded… After a pleasant flight, with pleasant staff on board, we landed in Madrid on Thursday December 12th at 9:30h. We picked up our car in the parking lot and left for Casa Belgica where we took the van and drove to the boarding house to get our dogs. Of course, they were over-enthusiastic to see us and dragged the staff who brought them to the van in pairs behind them because they could not jump on board fast enough. So, now we have been home for 4 days and in the meantime, we have received the good news that our co-worker Ria De Smedt is adopting Minerva and there are candidates for Gyda who will hopefully also have a home. And we must go to Dr. De Frutos with the little podenco and Hyppolythe one of the next days and so it all starts again. To be continued…
Sunday, the 22nd of December 2024
In the meantime, we know since last Wednesday that Miss Podenco, after taking X-rays that showed that the weak bone is on the right track to healing, must keep her "external frame" for another 2 to 3 weeks, sigh. We learned that our old Hyppolythe (now almost 12) who was getting thinner and thinner "out of the blue" suddenly suffered from anaplasma and urgently needed the heavy pills. On Friday, Dirk drove to Talavera alone, quite an undertaking because the hectic exodus for the holidays had started. In any case, Hyppolythe already must go back for a check-up with Dr. De Frutos, so there was no escape. The doctor wanted to be sure that the medication was working, yes, because the blood values seemed to be normalizing. Fortunately, no transfusion was needed. Anyway, he must stay until the evening, so Dirk had to go through a traffic chaos twice and after driving 160 km twice he came home in a bad mood and once again he cursed the Spanish drivers. I cannot blame him. But I was glad I did not have to go through the ride twice because Dirk had been so kind to pass on his cold and I was as sick as it could be, now there were two of us... I had just gotten over my previous cold and after one night I had my smoker's voice back. It is Sunday now and I am sitting in front of my PC with a terrible headache and a runny nose to keep you informed. Luckily, they cannot see you Dirk says, a nice compliment...
Thursday, the 26th of December 2024
After a quiet Christmas Eve that passed almost without fireworks, except for a few brats here and there who thought it was necessary to throw firecrackers during the day and their parents found it fun to set off fireworks in the air in the evening, we could not complain and neither could our dogs who did not know where to crawl in fear. Fortunately, this year, compared to other years, there were only a few stubborn individuals. We never thought that NO fireworks would ever be a possibility in Spain. Let us wait for New Year's Eve.
In any case, "back to reality" because today we had an appointment with Dr. De Frutos at 9:00h, Boxing Day or not. Another blood test must be done for Hyppolythe so Dirk left for Talavera at 8:00h in the pitch dark, I did not go along because I was afraid of crazy Spaniards returning from family visits and parties. After the phone call that the blood test had improved, he left again for Calypo and was back home at 11:30h. Another 160 km on the counter. When I asked if the doctor had said anything about Miss Podenco, he looked doubtful. Another 3 weeks on the frame and when the bone had healed enough another operation to put a plate on the bone itself after which months of rehabilitation and then what… She was already so at home here, she played with “her” family, she ate with them, slept with them. You can already hear it coming, right? Indeed, she is staying, a stranger in our midst. She will be called Titabah, why Titabah?
When I was a little girl there was a small shop that I thought was a magic shop, it had two small windows that were always filled with sequins, colored paper, paints and other gadgets. For some reason everyone called the old man who ran it Titabah and proclaimed that if you were looking for something and you could not find it anywhere you would find it at Titabah’s. The shop and the owner came just like that little, denied, abused, very smart, wise “podenco” lady from another world, hence her name…
Friday, the 3rd of January 2025!!!
After a noisy and tiring transition from 2024 to 2025, a transition that, to get in the mood, started in the early afternoon with the first fireworks, sigh ... Later in the day and the entire night that followed, the fireworks degenerated into a barrage of explosions and blinding flashes of light in all kinds of colors. The hellish noise and flashes reminded me of the war images we saw on TV and of the poor people who had to endure it helplessly day and night without any defense and could not go anywhere. The result of that tumult was that all the poor dogs from the area that, on a chain or not, sat outside in their small kennels and howled in fear because they could not seek protection anywhere. As always, that was the least of the partygoers' worries. Today the money is spent, and the fireworks are gone, and the partygoers are back to work because tonight was the first "silent night" for everyone. Also, for the dogs that have been banned by their owners to the terrace or a closed off area in the garden for as long as they live and see few or no people. In the summer they must endure temperatures of +40° and now it is 0° degrees and at night below 0°. During the day it is between 2° and 12° degrees and in the draughty streets there is usually an icy wind that is sometimes accompanied by rain. In any case there is no shelter for the "domestic" animals.
Fortunately, the few exceptions confirm the rule and here and there are people whose dogs are allowed to live in the house, are cared for and go to the vet regularly. Unfortunately, in rural and less rural Spain they are in the minority, because even in the cities the "trendy" dogs end up in the shelter after the holidays. In any case, when Dirk left for Dr. De Frutos this morning at 8:00h with Titabah and Hyppolythe, the terrace was frozen and slippery, and I could not help but curse all those who had no attention and compassion for their animals.
Even though 2025 has only just started, we already have an appointment in Talavera with Hyppolyte whose anaplasma needs to be monitored briefly and with Titabah, of whom X-rays need to be taken of her leg and the “external frame” to see if the bone has healed and the frame can be removed. Loulou is along as moral support as always... I stay home with the rest of the dogs in case some late bloomer is still in party mode because before dawn we already heard loud flamenco singing and plaintive music. While waiting for a phone call from Dirk, I think about how it is possible that candidate adopters who chose the dog of their dreams AFTER an approved home visit, cancel the poor animal that they agreed to adopt and thus close the door for his arrival in Belgium. This is because they do not trust him anyway with the 2 Rex cats that they suddenly pull out of their hat, of which nothing was said to either the regional manager or me, unbelievable. Finally, they asked me to adopt a galgo, I did not ask them!! But do not worry Pirri, you can come along, I promise... After an hour and a half Dirk calls that Hyppolythe's values have improved again but that the RX-device of Dr. De Frutos is broken, and he does not know how long it will take for the repairmen to be ready. Dirk decided not to wait and made a new appointment for next Tuesday at 9:00h. It will be a busy day, in the morning Dr. De Frutos, in the afternoon the dogs go to the boarding house and in the afternoon co-driver Dirk Buffalo arrives. This time I can unfortunately not go to Belgium for the adoption day because Hyppolythe and Titabah cannot go to the boarding house. I hate to be left alone but there is no other option. Fortunately, I am only alone for 4 days because after the adoption day Dirk leaves on Sunday at 5:00h together with Yolanda’s Luc d’Artagnan back to Spain where I can expect them around midnight.